
Our urgently needed items

13th January 2023

Did you know we have a ‘Donate to the foodbank’ page, where we try to make people aware of what items we need most?

All foodbanks rely on donations from the amazingly generous people, businesses, churches, social groups and organisations in their area, and we are blessed to be very well looked after, but as you can expect we don’t have a lot of say on what’s donated so fluctuations of stock is a weekly thing. For this reason we have a list on our donation page, that we update as often as we can, so hopefully we can get the word out and try to steer people towards what we need most, in order that we can give out a balanced bag of shopping to our customers, as possible.

The page also includes suggestions for collecting food, as well as printable donation point posters and a list of our donation points.

Click here to see more – Donate To the foodbank

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