
Harvest Appeal 2022

20th September 2022

As Harvest time draws near we have never felt the need, to help people in food poverty in our neighbourhood, more  than we do this year. The cost of living and energy crisis has really hit our communities hard and our services are running flat out.

Please, if you can add one or two items to your shopping, or if you raid the cupboard, to send in to schools or your local club/church/organisation, please know we are happy to accept anything you can give, but if you can donate one of the items off our list, we would really appreciate it.

If you are a church, school or organisation that is asking people to bring in items to donate  please click HERE for a printable shopping list.

For a printable poster  to display in your shop, church, school or clubhouse etc please click HERE

If you buy an extra item with your shopping please do drop in the supermarket baskets or at any foodbank session.
for larger collections please contact Warren to arrange delivery or collection.


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