
Huge donation of toys to help families with children

8th December 2020

We know, when a parent comes to the foodbank at Christmas time, the chances are they not only have no money for food but also presents will be taking a hit too. We are very lucky that we get lots of toys donated each year and it is a huge thrill for us to see the faces of mums and dads when they get a gift for their children.
This year we have been truly blessed, with toys coming in from the public & business alike, but by fact the biggest donation this year is from the fabulous Rosa’s Beauty Boutique, Church Road, Astley.

Just under £1000 was raised  through a series of raffles so we asked owner, Amanda, why they wanted to help:

“After everything that Marcus Rashford achieved with the free school meals, and all the local businesses that participated in helping out the vulnerable in our local community. We decided that somehow we wanted to help and  realising that Christmas this year is going to be such a struggle for so many, even more than ever before, decided on the Christmas toy collection with all the girls in the salon involved.. We quickly realised that because of lockdown it was going to be much harder for clients and friends to buy and drop off presents. Thats when we decided to put a treatment raffle together. Myself, Lauren and Lesley offered 2 treatments each and raffled them off at £10 per ticket. From this we raised £770 selling 77 tickets. My husband tried to contact local rugby clubs(being a rugby family) to see whether they had anything we could raffle off. The only one that came back was Sale Sharks rugby club and they sent us over a signed rugby shirt- from this we made £100. We then went shopping for the toys and spent a whopping £977, plus we had many more toys donated from lovely friends and clients. We know all the amazing work the food banks do, so decided that would be the route we would go down”

As you can see, £977 buys a lot of toys, then add all the toys donated by their “lovely friend & clients” that all needed wrapping, but that did not put theses superstars off one bit! All day of their day off, Sunday, Amanda, Lauren, Lesley, Linzi & Donna spent in the salon wrapping the presents ready for us to collect and that just adds to this amazing effort.

We seriously can not tell you the difference this will make to local families that are struggling! It is absolutely massive and even more so with everything that’s going on. A huge thankyou to everyone that bought a ticket, donated money or a toy, thankyou to hubby and Sale Sharks for the shirt but most of all thankyou to you lovely ladies at Rosa’s Beauty Boutique, you have made a real difference to real people and that is amazing.

If you want to thank the ladies please visit their Facebook page or group



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