
Huge amount donated at Tesco 3 day food collections

23rd November 2021

We had an absolutely amazing 3 days at both Tesco Superstore Atherton and  Tesco Leigh Extra as part of the grocery giants annual #EveryCanHelps food collection event, in aid of Trussell Trust foodbanks and fareshare, and as you will see from the totals, you have really outdone yourselves this year.

With everything going on at the moment we were really unsure how it would go, but we needn’t have worried for a moment as the amazing Tesco shoppers have absolutely blown us away with their generosity.

On all 3 days, in both stores, our wonderful volunteers were warmly received by  customers and kept very busy indeed with the amount of food, pet food, toiletries, and money, that just kept coming and coming to our table.
We did already know that you shoppers were a generous bunch but this year it seems you have tried your best to make up for the missed collections, and really recognised the fact that so many people in your community, that are being plunged in to food poverty every day, need your support.
You have responded in a way only you know how, by being so generous and kind hearted it has really blown us away.

Having these collections gives the Tesco shoppers a chance to do something really special for their community, and we are extremely thankful to each and every person, that had the good nature to give what they can, but we must give special thanks to the management and staff, in both stores, that invited us in, welcomed us with open arms and made us feel at home, whilst we were there, plus will top up all donations by 20%.  We also reserve a very big thankyou to the amazing volunteers that gave up their time to make sure we could receive, mark and pack all the donations that we were inundated with. Without these kind hearted and caring people we simply could not operate.

We must also give huge thanks to the wonderful, community minded staff at Stephensons Solicitors LLP, for joining us across the 3 days, with a special mention to  Stephensons for allowing their workforce to do their bit for local people in crisis.







And now the bit we are most excited about, the totals received from kind hearted customers.
(Everything donated will be topped up 20% by Tesco too)

Items donated:


Equating to almost 2800 meals for people in food poverty




Cash dropped in to our tubs & buckets:


A huge sum that allows us to run our vehicles & centres plus buy fresh food to provide a balanced bag of shopping





We really shouldn’t be surprised how amazingly generous you have all been, as you you never let us down, but we truly are  so humbled and thankful to everyone that has taken on the responsibility to help people in their community that just need a boost from their neighbours! We will never take you for granted, we have so much respect and love for you.

Warren, the foodbank project manager, and the trustees said “Thank you so much to all the volunteers and shoppers who supported the foodbank in both the Atherton and Leigh stores, it was really overwhelming to see so many people giving to help others in are community who are struggling at the moment , we’ll done for your support”

Amazing work everyone, see you all again next year, we’re sure.


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