Supermarket collections
4th August 2016
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Supermarket Collections are a vital part of our work and we rely on the amazing generosity of the general public who never let us down when it comes to feeding people in crisis in our towns. Time and again you help us to restock our storeroom so we can make sure the people who need it most get enough food to stop them going hungry whilst struggling with a crisis.
Our next couple of collections are in September, on the Saturday the 3rd at ASDA in Leigh and on Friday 23rd at TESCO Atherton, both from 9.30am – 5pm. so if you want to donate a can or two you can do so then or if you want to help us by volunteering for a slot of 1.5 hours at either one(or both) please get in touch with Warren who will be happy to work out a time with you. You can contact Warren here