
Applying for a voucher is easy

3rd February 2022

In times of unprecedented strains on our household budgets it is almost inevitable that any one of us could hit on a large unexpected bill, fall in to financial crisis, or have to choose between putting food on the table or keeping ourselves and our families warm.
Whilst the foodbank is not a long term solution, by any means,  we are here to help if and when you need a bit of support from your community, till you can get a bit straighter and more budgeted.
Applying for a voucher has never been easier, whether via the Wigan Council welfare form, the Citizens advice service or one of the many schools, job centres and lots of local support organisations that hold our vouchers.
Simply visit our ‘How to get help’ page and select the option that is best for you.

It really is a simple process and collecting your shopping could not be easier or more usual than doing your weekly shop.
We are supported by lots of local people, companies, organisations and groups so you don’t have to struggle any more than needs be. We know you would be the one helping if you could so please do reach out and get the help you deserve, just as much as anyone else.

Please click here to apply for a voucher

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